Biblical Inspiration for Black Women Entrepreneurs
Biblical Inspiration for Black Women Entrepreneurs

A 52 Week Journey to Build Your Confidence, Align with Your Purpose, and Stand in the Power of Who You Are

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Feed Your Spirit, Grow Your Business

Get the Faith-Based Business Lessons You Need to Shift from Aspiring Entrepreneur to Successful Entrepreneur

As a professional Black woman, you are booked and busy. You’re the go-to expert in your field. In fact, you’re so good at what you do you’ve started to wonder if you could do more if you ventured out on your own.

Sure, the 9-5 life provides you with a sense of security, but you can’t help but think about becoming a coach, trainer, speaker, or author. Though it’s that very thought that has you paralyzed when it comes to putting the pieces in place to launch your own business.

You’re overwhelmed by the idea but excited by it at the same time.

Deep in your heart, you know you were meant for more: more money, more freedom, and more impact.

And you can hear God calling you to use your gifts and step into your divine greatness… but you don’t know if you truly have what it takes to answer His call.

Whew, it’s almost as if I can feel your anxiety through the page. But don’t worry – I got you…

Now breathe and listen up …

YOU are destined for more. And it’s okay if you don’t have the confidence right now to believe that because I have enough faith for the both of us.

You see, God put it on my heart to show up for you today and lovingly guide you through your obstacles. And I’m obeying him with my printed journal, “Biblical Inspiration for Black Women Entrepreneurs: A 52-Week Journey to Build Your Confidence, Align with Your Purpose, and Stand in the Power of Who You Are”

With this journal, you’ll uncover a complete guide to facing the challenges of launching your own business, armed with faith, glory, motivation and more.

Inside you’ll get a weekly scripture, a brief lesson on how the verse applies to your business, an affirmation, and daily journal prompts to help you push through the fear of becoming an entrepreneur. You’ll learn how to position yourself to grow your business with God, plus how to:

  • Open your eyes to how God sees you – as a faith-driven entrepreneur who can do everything she puts her mind to.
  • Recognize God wants you to come as you are and stay authentic to beliefs.
  • Reaffirm yourself when you’re not sure what steps to take next.
  • Trust in the Lord to take the leap from safety and security into endless abundance and possibility.
  • Get your mindset right so you can impact the people who need your services the most.
  • And so much more!

Within the pages of this powerful journal, you’ll discover the strength to get your mind right, step into your purpose, activate your greatness, leave your 9-5, and finally launch and grow the impact-driven business of your dreams.

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What our sisters are saying...
Motivational Nuggets of Wisdom with a Scriptural Base

“Dr. Cherita’s Ready to Launch program was developed at a perfect time.  As an entrepreneur, it was important for me to move my business from an idea to an actually written plan.  Her program challenged me to move past my fears, dream big, and define the kind of mark I wanted  to make on the world, through my business.  

But didn’t  stop there - Dr. Cherita provides motivational nuggets of  wisdom, with a scriptural base, to help me stay the course.  I appreciate her ability to provide clients with well, thought out, pre and post business-launch-resources that will help catapult us towards success.”

Dr. Malaika Turner

The SpeakHer

Gain Greater Confidence in Who God Called You To Be

"In a time and season where I was facing insurmountable mountains of confusion, anxiety and fear, this devotional transformed my life and vision. Helping me to silence the noise and gain greater confidence in who God has called me to be and what He has called me to do, the 31 Days of Biblical Inspiration for Black Women Entrepreneurs devotional helped me get laser-focused and pursue my passion unapologetically! I highly recommend this resource to the woman-preneur who is looking to go to the next level!"

Tenita Johnson

CEO, So It is Written

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Hey there, I’m Dr. Cherita Weatherspoon, author, speaker, publisher, profit strategist and coach for professional Black women who want to leverage their God-given gifts to launch a profitable, faith-driven business.

Here’s the thing: God didn’t put this desire in you without reason. You already have everything you need within you to answer the call of your purpose. I know – it can be tough leaving the security of what you know to jump into the unknown.

What I want you to know is this … YOU are not alone. Hundreds of my clients have relied on me to deliver the support, strategies and advice they need to leave their jobs, launch profitable businesses and do it all with God by their side … and you can best believe you can rely on me, too.

It doesn’t matter if you’ve never done this before. The bottom line is you’ve made it this far in your career, so I know you’re smart, driven and strategic. But even smart, driven and strategic people lack the faith and confidence to level up, and that’s why I created this journal.

To get to your next stage, you have to get your mind right. That’s why the information in this journal is designed to help you lead by faith, ease your fears and guide you into entrepreneurship.

So, if you’re ready to take a leap of faith and answer God’s call to step into your purpose, tap the button below to get started.

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